I believe Roger williams did a piano instrumental on the theme on one of his lp s. which i had years ago, before i sold my giant LP collection when i moved cross country years ago.Īs can be seen by the opening and closing credits sequences, there's no song credited on screen. Thanks, bob- the music that was sung from that movie, probably was the love theme, somewhere in the middle of the movie, because the opening and close credit music was other music, i can't right now remember who was the singer, i had an lp of it years ago, also i believe Roger williams did a piano instrumental on the theme on one of his lp s. The main title music starts at about the one minute mark. I concur that Skyjacked is a pretty good score.

As i said, he scored over 2 dozen films and there were others i liked as well. Goin South, was not your typical western score, like The long riders It tried to be innovator and different from the norm. They kill only their masters, i thought was another good score, more laidback then Skyjacked, but also had a good theme as well. Skyjacked was a good action score and a very nice main theme which was sung back then by a few pop singers. Have you heard any of these? Any recommendations? Very nice score, i agree, however MR Botkin was active in film scoring in the 70' 80's and beyond, he scored about 2 dozen films, good scores like Bless the beast and the children,Skyjacked, They only killed their masters, Goin south etc etc. The orchestrations here really are inspired and lovely, creating a perfect 'jungle-like' ambiance a la John Scott's 'Greystoke'. This is a really, really impressive effort and I'm amazed it's never been mentioned around here, that I could find. Here's a link to the last few minutes of the film, including the awesome and extended end title suite (try to ignore the fact that it plays out over footage of a topless Bo Derek wrestling w/ a primate). Crying shame, because if this score is any indication he has a wonderful and very unique symphonic voice. One thing I had absolutely not been prepared for at all was Perry Botkin's wonderful, brilliantly-orchestrated and romantic score! I'd never even ehard of the composer, and doing a little research it appears he is best-known for his electronic, non-filmmusic compositions. Had heard terrible things about it for years, and indeed it was bad - in a fun way though mostly. Just caught this wretched movie the other night. General Discussion: Perry Botkin - Tarzan, The Ape Man (1981) FSM Board: Perry Botkin - Tarzan, The Ape Man (1981)