Not only children, women of the families too should take nutritious meals.We stop growing if we don’t eat healthy food.Schools spread awareness of healthy food.September 1-7 is celebrated as National Nutrition Week.

Set 1 is helpful for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Set 1 – 10 Lines on National Nutrition Week for Kids You can read more 10 Lines about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more. Yet a country can’t be a progressive one on the social and economic front if nearly half of the population are malnourished. Poverty is somewhere one of the main causes. Walk the local streets and you will find stunted boys under 10, with scooped eyes staring at you in the hope of getting food. Nearly half of the population is undernourished. Health and nutrition are serious issues in India. It is observed to educate and aware people of the importance of healthy food which is vital for our bodies to be salubrious. 10 Lines on National Nutrition Week: National Nutrition Week is celebrated in India from September 1 to September 7 every year.